
KINOミーティング #4 新宿 ワークショップ【参加者募集終了】KINO Meeting #4 Shinjuku - Participant recruitment closed

東京のさまざまな場所で「まちの映画」をつくるために、"海外に(も)ルーツをもつ人”を募集しています。Seeking members with backgrounds overseas to create “films of the city” in various locations around Tokyo


このワークショップでは、東京のさまざまなエリアを巡りながら、“海外に(も)ルーツをもつ人たち”と「まちの映画」をつくっています。#1「池袋」、#2「葛飾」、#3「北区」に続き、今回開催する#4のフィールドは「新宿」。さまざまなルーツをもつ人たちと一緒にまちを歩き、その日、その人たちでしか撮れない「新宿の映画」をつくりませんか?This project tours various areas of Tokyo, creating “films of the city” with people who (also) have backgrounds overseas. Our 4th stop, following “Ikebukuro” (#1), “Katsushika” (#2), “Kita-ku” (#3) is …… “Shinjuku”! Come join us as we tour the city with people of many backgrounds, and create our original “Shinjuku” film.






【参加費】 無料

【活動エリア】 新宿区周辺



主催:東京都、公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京、一般社団法人パンタナル



[About the workshop]
Members, through a three-day workshop (the first will be held online), will reflect on their own backgrounds in various ways, using photography and audio, while walking through the city. Forming groups with other people from various backgrounds, we will collectively discuss and cooperate with each other to create a short film. On the final day of the workshop, a public screening will be held to showcase the works produced by each participant.

Oct 27th (Fri.), 2023 Guidance: 7pm-9pm (online)
Oct 28th (Sat.), Production (onsite): 10am-6pm (with lunch break)
Oct 29th (Sun.), Public screening (onsite): 5pm-9pm
[Maximum number of members] Around 12 members
*We plan to have an online screening prior to the workshop.
*We will prioritize those who can join for all dates.

People with overseas backgrounds in some way
*The definition of “overseas backgrounds in some way” is up to you.
*You do not need any experience in film/video production at all to participate.
*The workshops will be conducted in Japanese (easy Japanese will be used); those who are not good at using Japanese are also welcome.

We are looking for people who:
are interested in working with people with different backgrounds / want to think about their backgrounds / want to know more about Tokyo / want to shoot a video / want to do fieldworks / want to do an interview

[Participation fees] Free
*Lunch and transportation fees will NOT be provided.

[Areas] Around Shinjuku

[To apply]
**** Due to the large number of applicants, the application period has been closed. ****

[Contacts] KINO Meeting Staff

Organized by: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), General Incorporated Association Pantanal

[Contacts] KINO Meeting Staff

Organized by: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), General Incorporated Association Pantanal

*Program contents are subject to change.
*Your personal information will be strictly managed, and used only for the purpose of pursuing this project and for contacting you.